


Connector is a word ehich is used at the begining of a sentence and makes or shows the connection with previous sentence.

যে সকল শব্দ কোন বাক্যের দুই বা ততোধিক শব্দের বা বাক্যাংশের মধ্যে সংযোগ স্থাপন করে কিংবা কোন বাক্যের শুরুতে বসে পূর্বের বাক্যের সাথে ঐ বাক্যের অর্থের সঙ্গতি রক্ষা করে তাকে sentence connectors বলে।

  1. Similarity: সাদৃশ্যমূলক তুলনা প্রকাশক sentence connectors
    Similarly/in the same way/likewise/correspondingly- অর্থ একইরকম ভাবে বা একইভাবে।
      a. You are not allowed to use your phone here. Similarly, you have to switch it off when you are in the library.
      b. You can't give your phone number to everyman who asks for it. Likewise/similarly, you can't go out with everyone who fancies you.
      c. We can't walk in a road in the darkness without light. Similarly/in the some way, we can't step forward in our life without education.

  2. Contrast: বৈসাদৃশ্য প্রকাশক Sentence connectors
    However/anyway- যা হোক In contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand- অন্যদিকে, পক্ষান্তরে, বিপরিতে
    Nevertheless/nonetheless- তা সত্ত্বেও,
    Yet/But- তবুও, কিন্তু

    a. The restaurant has the best kitchen in town. However, their staffs are quite rude.
    b. Education ensures the smooth development of a country. In contrast/on the contrary/On the contrary, ignorance hampers the development.
    c. Rimi studied regularly and diligently for several months. Nevertheless/however/yet/nonetheless, she failed.
    d. He walked fast. Yet, he could not reach the station is time.
    e. He is a very nice man. However/anyway, he sometimes gets irritated.

  • 3. Addition/sequence: সংযোজন, অন্তর্ভূক্তিকরণ, ঘটনাক্রম প্রকাশক sentence connectors
    Also/besides/Moreover/Furthermore/In addition- আরও, তাছাড়াও, অধিকন্তু
    First/firstly/First of all/To begin with/in the first place- প্রথম, প্রথমত,
    Second/secondly/in the second place- দ্বিতীয়, দ্বিতীয়ত,
    Third/thirdly/in the third place- তৃতীয়, তৃতীয়ত,
    Finally/lastly/last of all- পরিশেষে, অবশেষে

    • a. Our people do not get the food they need for good health. Moreover/besides/even, they are not conscious of the rules of good health.
      b. There are many reasons for unemployment problem in Bangladesh. First of all, our country is industrially backward. Moreover/besides, our system of education is faulty.
      c. I gave the poor boy some books and pens. Moreover/besides/furthermore, I gave him some money.
      d. Nella writes short stories. In addition, she writes articles for a newspaper.
      e. Physical exersise is very important. Firstly, it refreshes our mind. Secondly, it keeps our body fit. Thirdly, it helps us to enjoy a good health. Finally/at last, er should take regular physical exercise.

  • 4. Result: ফলাফল প্রকাশক sentence connectors
    So/therefore/hence/accordingly- তাই, সুতরাং, অতএব, ফলে
    As a result/as a consequence/consequently/for this reason- ফলে, যার ফলে,
    Thus- এভাবে, সেভাবে

    • a. He has walked five miles. So/therefore, he is feeling tired.
      b. He studies regularly. Hence/so/therefore/as a result, he has made a lot of progress.
      c. Rima is very indifferent to her studies. She never sits to read. Thus, she is ruining her own life.
      d. He did not attend the classes on liking words. As a result/consequently/eventually, he can't understand and use them appropriantely.
      e. The Demand has increased sharply. Accordingly, the prices are higher now.

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